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Vittra's educational tools

Within Vittra, we have a number of common working methods and tools. Together they form the foundation on which we at Vittra stand. We commit ourselves to our surroundings and bring society into the classroom. We work for a brave culture where we let each individual take their place. Courage and conscious learning – that’s how we at Vittra make a difference.

Read more about our educational tools

With the help of our 6 educational tools, we create a clear structure, a courageous culture and conscious learning.

  • Vittra book

    The Vittra book is a tool for planning, evaluation and reflection on one’s own learning.

    Pedagog sitter på huk vid en elev som sitter och gör skolarbete vid sin skolbänk
  • Vittra skills

    The Vittra skills strengthen the children’s personal development and give them strategies for learning.

    Elever i förskoleklass på Vittra sitter i klassrummet ihop med en lärare och lyssnar på en klasskamrat som berättar om något.
  • Vittra gatherings

    The Vittra gatherings create the conditions for close relationships, conscious learning and a courageous culture.

    Elever sitter i en halvcirkel med sina Vittraböcker framför en pedagog
  • Community goals

    The community goals mean that we work with projects linked to the UN’s global goals for sustainable development.

    Nio elever sitter vid sina skolbänkar i sitt klassrum och arbetar med FN's globala mål.
  • Editorial office

    The students’ hub for observing the world around them, to critically examine the media and produce their own content.

    Två mellanstadieelever sitter i Redaktionen på Vittra och spelar in en podd.
  • Express yourself

    Express yourself makes students ready to make their voice heard and dare to express their opinions.

    En elev på Vittra presenterar ett skolarbete för sin klass.