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Vittra Rösjötorp's primary school in Sollentuna

Preschool class to 6th grade

At Vittra Rösjötorp in Sollentuna, students go from preschool class up to 6th grade. We divide our grades into minors wich correspond to first grade, and juniors which correspond to second grade.

At Vittra, the focus is conscious learning – students first become aware of themselves and their development, then learn about society and how they can influence it. Keep reading to find out more about what it means.

Högstadieelev sitter i klassrummet med en bok framför sig.

Do you want to apply to our school?

The choice of school is important and it is important to find the school that provides the best conditions for your child. Do you want to apply to Vittra Rösjötorp? Make an application and start collecting queue days.

Where people and knowledge grow

  • The Vittra skills

    The Vittra skills are six different skills to learn and develop, so that your child becomes both aware of themselves and their environment. The Vittra skills we always base our work on are confidence, responsibility, perseverance, creativity, planning, evaluating and cooperation.

    Glad elev sitter vid sin skolbänk i klassrummet på Vittra och gör skolarbete
  • Community goals

    At Vittra, we work with projects linked to the UN’s global goals for sustainable development. We do this together with local organisations to improve the community around us. We engage our children, students and staff, and together we make a difference.

    Elever och lärare tittar på jordglob
  • The Vittra book

    In the Vittra book, your child gets to reflect on their learning process and gain an awareness of their development. Our students also use the Vittra book to plan and evaluate their school work to get structure in their everyday lives and learns to take responsibility.

    Pedagog sitter på huk vid en elev som sitter och gör skolarbete vid sin skolbänk

Pedagogy in primary school

Conscious learning

We increase the awareness of our children and students. Awareness of who they are as persons. Awareness of their own learning and development. As well as the awareness of their fellow human beings and what is happening in the society around them.

Courageous culture

We believe courage is the key to learning – the courage to ask, listen, understand and do. Therefore, we work actively to create a courageous culture where curiosity and exploration are encouraged. Where everyone has the right to an opinion and learns to express it. One condition for children’s and students’ courage is that they also have confidence in both educators and peers.

Clear structure

We have clear routines and continuous follow-up to support the children’s learning process. We have structures for teaching teams and we constantly incorporate the societal perspective into our teaching through developed methods and perspectives. We have clarity about what to do and what is expected.

En elev i förskoleklass på Vittra skriver i en bok under en lektion.

Meet Vittra Rösjötorp

Vittra Rösjötorp’s bilingual focus means that your child learns English from an early age. Because we are located in a nature reserve, we work close to nature, with outdoor classrooms and in collaboration with the Nature School. We teach across the grades, which means that the students get to know each other, and that we see all our students.

Welcome to visit us at Vittra Rösjötorp

You are welcome to visit us to get to know us and our way of working.