Frequently asked questions
We have put together our most frequently asked questions and answers to make it easier for you as a guardian to find the right information.
Frequently asked questions
School choice implies that you, as a parent or student, have both the right and the freedom to choose the school that best meets the individual needs and preferences of the student, regardless of the school’s location.
Learn more about school choice here.
Contact the administrator via email. You will find contact information on the contact page.
Vittra is a free primary school. For preschool, we apply a fee according to the municipality’s maximum rate. Read more about it on your municipality’s website.
We are an independent school owned by AcadeMedia, northern Europe’s largest education provider. In total, AcadeMedia runs just over 140 upper secondary schools in Sweden.
What is a free school?
A free school is run by an owner other than a municipality or a county council. All of AcadeMedia’s free schools are completely free of charge. Everyone has the opportunity to apply for a free school, regardless of where they are registered. Application and admission of students takes place in the same way as at a municipal school. The free school has the same rights and obligations as other schools, which means, for example, that they, among other things, follow the Education Act when it comes to grading.
The timetable can be found in SchoolSoft.
You can find our vacancies here.
Contact the administrator at the school for more information.
You identify yourself with a bank ID or security box to log in to Schoolsoft. Contact our administrator if you have any questions. Click on the link to go to Schoolsoft.
Contact the school administrator for assistance.
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About the school
- Yes the school has a preschool class.
Yes. Native language teaching:
According to the Compulsory School Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 9, a student shall receive native language teaching if one or both of the student’s guardians have a language other than Swedish as a mother tongue and the language constitutes a daily language of communication for the student, and if the student has basic knowledge of the language and the student wishes to receive teaching.
- Yes, the food is cooked at school in our own kitchen.
- You can find more information about the academic year and our semesters here.
- Yes, talk to the administrator if you want to book a personal viewing of the school.
- It is important to us that your child is doing well—that is why we have a counselor, school nurse and special educators.
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Waiting list system
When you have accepted your place, you will receive a welcome letter with all the information.
The first day of school varies and the induction itself usually takes two weeks, but is individual. If your child has attended preschool before, the induction is usually one week. The first three induction days, you as a parent, are there the whole day between 9.00–14.00 and then we want one of the parents to be on standby during the whole two-week induction period.
If you have applied via a municipality, you will receive an answer after the school selection has closed, the dates vary slightly depending on which municipality you live in. But somewhere between March and April, you will be notified about admission for the coming autumn. If you have applied directly to us, we will send an offer when we have places to offer. When the intake takes place depends on when and how the places become available, but in all cases we use our numerical waiting list.
At Vittra, we use the following selection criteria:
• Organisational connection
Students who are already attending a school unit are offered priority at a nearby unit. We accept students in numerical order according to the registration date.
• Sibling preference
Children with siblings who go to the same school at the time of admission are given preference subject to availability. This applies to children who apply for preschool class or years 1–9 and the other sibling must attend the school applied for in the coming school year and be registered at the same address as the applicant sibling. Here we also accept students in numerical order according to the registration date.
• Registration date
The child who has been on the waiting list the longest is offered a place first.
If you have made an application to the school, your child has been given a place on the waiting list. If you are offered a place, you will be contacted and must confirm within a certain time.
If you have made an application to the school and you have received a confirmation by landing on our ”thank you for your registration” page, the registration has gone through and your child is on our waiting list.
Unfortunately, we cannot respond to specific cases, as it depends on how many people say yes to their offered spot and how many children are admitted to each class. Contact the administrator at the school for more information.
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Contact information for the school nurse can be found here.
Lomvägen 100
192 56 Sollentuna
- Contact information for the principal can be found here.
- Phone number for after-school centre: 08-585 755 70
- Contact the principal or the administrator at the school.
- When your child is sick you report it in SchoolSoft.
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